MAURER: Looking back at a year of commentary
Catching up with gerrymandering–and the importance of optimism in one’s eighth decade.
Catching up with gerrymandering–and the importance of optimism in one’s eighth decade.
We help our four-legged friends slip away peacefully. Why do we insist that humans suffer?
George McGinnis finally gets a long overdue call from national Hall of Fame.
The Thanksgiving holiday is good prep for finishing the year strong.
Set an example for our state government by thanking those who’ve served in the military.
Renowned creator and solver gives us tools to sharpen our minds.
The takeaway from panels’ sobering discussion? Get involved.
I’ve lost 50 pounds in the past eight months, the result of “mostly adhering” to The Fast Metabolism Diet, created by Beverly Hills nutritionist Haylie Pomroy.
We have a lot to offer Amazon, but our legislature hasn’t done us any favors.
We’ve honored 1,000 young leaders (some of whom aren’t so young now), in a variety of professions.
Simply put, daily physical activity increases your length and quality of life.
I have concerns but can’t shake my addiction to Apple products.
Those on lists from decades past are being replaced by a new generation.
Observatory supports STEM education, ignites passion for science.
And it was the perfect escape from the insanity playing out in the wider world.
I am disheartened over the melancholy exhibited by my contemporaries during what should be cheery occasions.
A fundraiser for Indianapolis Legal Aid Society promises good-natured ribbing for a good cause.
Republicans better at campaigning on health care than changing it.
Senate candidate avoids issues, strikes early with Trump-like character assassination tactics.
The second half of 2017 is packed with great opportunities for learning and networking.