
IBJ Commercial Real Estate Power Breakfast – transcript

A panel conversation with Katie Culp, senior managing director, principal, Cassidy Turley; Mike Higbee, president, DC Development Group; Christie B. Kelley, chief financial officer, executive vice president, Duke Realty Philip; G. Kenney, president, F.A. Wilhelm Construction Co.; Thomas K. McGowan, president and chief operating officer, Kite Realty Group; and Tadd M. Miller, CEO, Milhaus Development LLC.

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Virginia Avenue attracts yet another project

Englewood Development has under contract the former Shirley Engraving property at 460 Virginia Ave., where it plans up to 50 apartments, about 5,000 square feet of retail space and an underground parking garage.

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Airport may carve up ex-terminal property

Indianapolis International Airport managers say they haven’t given up hope that a single, mega-sized tenant could create an economic development boon at the site abandoned nearly four years ago when the midfield terminal opened. But the latest listing of redevelopment sites shows the former terminal complex being marketed in pieces.

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Ex-concrete plant to be razed for Greenwood nature area

A former concrete plant in Greenwood faces the wrecking ball to make room for a wider road. The city plans to raze the former Prairie Materials concrete plant so it can turn Worthsville Road into a major boulevard that can handle traffic from a planned Interstate 65 exit.

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Major Westfield development projects making progress

Several big development projects planned for Westfield are under way or awaiting approval, but plans for a retail center at U.S. 31 and 161st Street have been on the shelf for several years due to the economy and road construction.

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