
Star‘s labyrinth of aging buildings complicates sale, reuse

Local real estate pros say finding a reuse for the Indianapolis Star's HQ will be tricky. The newspaper is selling its labyrinth of buildings at 307 N. Pennsylvania St., which have multiple floor levels, narrow hallways and a basement built to house printing presses.

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Revamped Pan Am Plaza on track for October debut

Workers have ripped out the old fountain and crumbling bricks of Pan Am Plaza, making way for a waterproof membrane and new stone pavers in a Kite Realty Group Trust project to stabilize the plaza until it can pull off a redevelopment.

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Beech Grove mayor starts process to form CDC

Mayor Dennis Buckley on Friday requested the establishment of a community development corporation with a signed proclamation, which will be presented to the city’s development commission for consideration. He hopes to have it operating within the next month.

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Browning ordered to testify over Duke Energy CEO’s ouster

Indianapolis real estate developer and Duke Energy Corp. director Michael Browning has been ordered to appear Friday before the North Carolina Utilities Commission, which is investigating the unexpected ouster of the utility’s new CEO just hours after the company merged with Progress Energy Inc.

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Massive unused Tipton plant goes back on the market

The never-occupied 781,500-square-foot facility is on the market for $39.5 million, a steep discount from the original cost of roughly $100 million. The plant was built to manufacture auto transmissions. A plan to make solar panels at the site also collapsed.

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