East-side apartment complex facing foreclosure
One West Bank in California says it is owed nearly $3.3 million, and is seeking to foreclose on Red Mill Apartments near East 38th Street and North Franklin Road.
One West Bank in California says it is owed nearly $3.3 million, and is seeking to foreclose on Red Mill Apartments near East 38th Street and North Franklin Road.
A small private school that serves gifted and talented students intends to move to a downtown building that has been vacant since a daycare center moved out three years ago.
Platinum Properties LLC, an Indianapolis upscale residential real estate developer, sought Chapter 11 protection on Monday, listing several huge debts to prominent local businesses and business people.
Simon Property Group Inc., the largest U.S. shopping-mall owner, said funds from operations rose 75 percent in the first quarter as retail sales climbed.
A proposed 64-acre development west of U.S. 31 in Carmel would help satiate a craving for retail, but it faces a tough fight from neighborhood groups that want to preserve the thoroughfare’s residential character.
IBJ gathered advice from local and national experts about what should be done to improve the city’s most prominent public space and where Indianapolis should look for inspiration.
The newest tenant in Lebanon Business Park will occupy 214,000 square feet and make a $20 million investment to build out the space and install equipment.
The Indianapolis-based real estate investment trust reported a first-quarter profit of $47.6 million compared with a loss of $15.3 million in the same quarter a year earlier. Gains from the sale of properties helped drive profit.
Cicero-based developer Mainstreet Property Group LLC plans to build a $13.3 million senior health care center in Westfield. The 65,000-square assisted living facility will employ about 150 people when it opens in 2012.
The bill with perhaps the best chance of emerging is the so-called dinosaur buildings bill, which would make it easier to win tax incentives for renovating obsolete industrial buildings.
Colleagues say Bill Cook began each historic restoration contemplating what practical use each newly polished structure might serve, and how it might spark development around it.
The shopping center on U.S. 31 is the third Broadbent-operated strip mall to fall into bankruptcy and its second in Greenwood to claim financial problems.
A Chicago native and independent theater owner plans to reopen the old AMC Loews College Park 14 movie complex on April 29, under the new moniker of Movie Buff Theatre.
Cassidy Turley's research director said the pace of leasing activity is the best he’s seen in 18 to 24 months.
The landlord of the downtown building that houses Jillian’s, which filed for bankruptcy protection earlier this week, wants the restaurant and entertainment complex out of its building, alleging the tenant owes nearly $700,000.
With the retail vacancy rate hovering around 13 percent locally and nationally, temporary retailers are becoming a fact of life in malls, strip malls and downtowns around the country.
McGowan Insurance Group plans to build a $2.75 million, 19,000-square-foot building at 355 Indiana Avenue.
Retailer bankruptcies likely will weigh on earnings of retail landlords, especially those that own shopping centers and mid-quality malls, an analyst said. But upscale mall owners like Simon Property Group should feel a smaller impact.
Simon Property Group Inc.’s board is working on a long-term employment agreement with Chairman and CEO David Simon, whose compensation rose more than fivefold last year.
First Financial Bank in Ohio is asking a Marion Superior Court judge to appoint a receiver for Woodland Shops on the city’s northwest side and Lakewood Shops on the northeast side.