
Adesa to acquire online auction firm for $210M

Adesa said it plans to acquire Redwood City, Calif.-based OpenLane Inc. for $210 million in cash. OpenLane expects to sell more than 300,000 vehicles to dealers this year and generate about $100 million in revenue.

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IndyGo seeks funding traction

The Indianapolis Public Transportation Corp. has budgeted expenses of $57 million for 2012, but officials expect a revenue shortfall of $6.4 million because of drops in federal, state and local funding.

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Green group: I-69 will drain money from other projects

Indiana's 142-mile extension of Interstate 69 between Indianapolis and Evansville will siphon hundreds of millions of dollars away from other road and bridge projects in coming years, according to a report from an environmental group.

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Bill Mays to retire from Mays Chemical

The most successful black businessman in Indiana plans to retire from the company that bears his name at year-end as part of a transition that ultimately will put his daughter at the helm.

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