
Trucking firms shift gears to weather long downturn

Logistics companies have found the last few years an unparalleled challenge. If it wasn’t higher fuel prices, it was softening
business in key sectors, such as the automotive industry. Fewer goods to move created overcapacity and softened rates.

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Adesa parent turns profit, beats expectations

KAR Auction Services reported a profit of $5.3 million in the fourth quarter after sustaining a loss in the same period in
2008. The company's CEO attributed the turnaround to several factors, including the completion of an initial public offering.

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Plan for optional interstate tolls may hit potholes

A proposal to add optional toll lanes to parts of Interstates 69 and 65 raises all kinds of questions, such as how to squeeze
more lanes into the crowded I-69 corridor northeast of the city. And it’s debatable whether toll lanes could make more
money than they cost to implement.

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