
Republic growth strategy fraught with risk

By purchasing two struggling airlines for which it flies, Republic Airways Holdings is taking aboard substantial risks that
threaten its profitable niche, analysts say. Frontier Airlines and Midwest Airlines are not only leaking money, but fly at
an altitude where major carriers routinely dogfight
in a fare war Republic hasn’t had to fight as a contract carrier.

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Expanded FedEx cargo hub not meeting expectations

Indianapolis International Airport, already suffering from a 10-percent drop in passenger traffic and a projected $15 million
revenue shortfall this year, is also feeling financial drag from its single most important tenant. FedEx Express cargo shipments,
which amount to about half of the $25 million in airfield fees generated at the airport, fell
16 percent in the first three months of this year vs. the same period last year.

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Remove barriers to lower costs

By preserving residency as a condition to distribute booze, our Legislature is protecting Indiana’s existing liquor distributors, many of whom do business in neighboring states like Illinois and Michigan. This antiquated standard is anti-competitive and ultimately means higher prices and reduced selection for Indiana residents.

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Top logistics execs draw road map for industry

On the menu of Indiana’s economic development initiatives, the logistics industry has had all the appeal of truck stop coffee.
Meanwhile, the information technology and life sciences sectors—and recently clean tech—have had everyone salivating. Logistics, however, is cooking up a new strategy.

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Grad students dream up plans for mass transit

Architecture and urban design students from Ball State have created a vision for urban renewal that is arguably more compelling
than the Central Indiana Regional
Transit Authority’s principal, utilitarian goal of reducing northeast-side highway congestion and air pollution by running
a diesel commuter train atop the old Nickel Plate Railroad corridor.

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Ballard trip to explore clean energy

Indianapolis Mayor Greg Ballard and other city officials will travel to Brazil in May to explore renewable-energy production,
in hopes of making the city a leader in the technology.

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Hendricks airport to grow

The Indianapolis Airport Authority is planning improvements to Gordon Graham Field in Hendricks County, including a runway extension and a second terminal.

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Potent potential for ethanol?

Poet Biorefining has four more Indiana ethanol plants on the drawing board, but they’ll stay on paper until capital markets
and demand for the biofuel improve, an executive of the South Dakota company said on a recent trip to Indianapolis

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