Blizzard bearing down on eastern U.S. snarls airports, closes offices
At least 50 million people are in the path of a potentially catastrophic winter storm that already is paralyzing transportation and shutting down public services.
At least 50 million people are in the path of a potentially catastrophic winter storm that already is paralyzing transportation and shutting down public services.
There’s no question that tolling one of Indiana’s interstates could generate serious cash to help maintain the state’s roads. But are taxpayers willing to pay a few bucks to travel highways that now are free?
Brian Fenner, owner of Sperro Towing and Recovery and a former repo man, has been sued at least 14 times since October 2014 in Marion and Hendricks county courts, with lenders demanding he give back dozens of cars worth hundreds of thousands of dollars.
A measure that would finance improvements to Indiana's transportation infrastructure by raising cigarette and gasoline taxes was approved by a House transportation committee Wednesday.
The bill would provide one-time funding from reserve funds that are set aside when the state distributes shares of income taxes to local governments.
As chairman of Senate Utilities Committee, Sen. James Merritt supported numerous bills favored by big utilities, the railroad’s biggest customer. Now he’s out of a job.
Bullseye Event Group is aiming to fill a Boeing 747 airliner with Indianapolis Colts fans for next season's game against the Jacksonville Jaguars at Wembley Stadium in London. So far, 100 travel packages have been sold.
Indiana has one of the busiest port systems in the nation, even though it’s 600 miles from an ocean. Adding a fourth port could boost economic development in southeastern Indiana but also help businesses across the state distribute their products or obtain raw materials.
General Manager Scott Prince said adoption "has been stronger than we had hoped." Another 20 charging stations are set to open by the end of February.
The condition of Indiana's roads has emerged as a major issue. There is a major division among majority Republicans over how to handle the funding, with Pence and the Senate leaders signaling they are at odds with their counterparts in the House.
The governor said in his State of the State address that a port on the Ohio River in southeastern Indiana could “unleash enormous economic investment” throughout the region.
Gov. Mike Pence’s plan differs sharply with a longer-term plan offered Monday by Indiana House Republicans, who want to raise gasoline and cigarette taxes to boost funding levels for road improvements.
The seasonal flights will operate twice weekly and will begin April 8. Allegiant is debuting the route with one-way promotional fares as low as $39.
Indiana House Republicans are proposing tax increases to cigarettes and gasoline in their road-funding proposal that's an alternative to a rival plan proposed by Gov. Mike Pence.
The first of three weekly flights from Indianapolis International Airport to Philadelphia International Airport are set to begin April 14.
Indiana House Speaker Brian Bosma said Gov. Mike Pence and Senate Republicans should embrace a long-term road-funding plan that increases taxes on smokers and motorists.
IndyGo has received the last of 21 fully electric buses. Those buses, equipped with lithium-ion batteries, can travel up to 130 miles on a single charge.
Reconfiguring the interchange is meant to ease congestion, improve safety and reduce travel times for drivers on the northeast side’s crowded commuter corridor.
Construction work on the IndyGo transit center, which is expected to become a hub for most of Indianapolis’ bus lines, has been delayed by seven months. The project’s estimated cost has risen from $20 million to $26.5 million.
The list of projects slated over three years includes about 30 more roundabouts, other street improvements, and land acquisition. It would lead to property tax increases for most residents.