
IU Health strikes deal with Central Indiana Cancer Centers

Central Indiana Cancer Centers sold its five facilities to IU Health and transferred its 150 employees to the Indianapolis-based hospital system. The 16 physicians in the practice will remain independent, but they have signed a service agreement with IU Health that pulls the two entities into a tight embrace.

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OrthoIndy looks to loopholes for growth

OrthoIndy, the physician practice that owns the Indiana Orthopaedic Hospital, was able to open a new outpatient facility this spring by working around growth restrictions in the 2010 health care reform law. But its choices for further growth are much starker—which is why it’s lobbying to repeal that provision of the law.

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New doc lifts Community breast biz

Community Health Network wooed Dr. Robert J. Goulet Jr. to join its breast-surgery team from the Indiana University Simon Cancer Center. The move fits nicely with Community’s focus on breast-care services and the economics of health care.

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Community moves to integrate doctors

Health Care watch videoCommunity Health now has about 550 physicians, either on its payroll or committed through integration contracts, who have some of their pay hinge on measures of quality and communication. CEO Bryan Mills says the hospital system is looking to add even more.

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Hospitals stand to gain big by hiring docs

To understand why hospitals are so eager to employ physicians—and prevent them from owning their own facilities—look
no further than the latest data on how much doctors are paid compared with how much revenue they generate for hospitals.

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