Workers at endangered Indiana plant feel forgotten by Trump
Connecticut-based United Technologies, the parent firm of Carrier Corp., said in a statement that its plans to send 700 Huntington jobs to Mexico haven’t changed.
Connecticut-based United Technologies, the parent firm of Carrier Corp., said in a statement that its plans to send 700 Huntington jobs to Mexico haven’t changed.
The state rarely has to dole out incentives to retain jobs. Experts differ on whether that’s likely to change in the wake of the $7 million deal state officials cut to keep an Indianapolis HVAC plant open.
The phone call drew an irritated response from China, whose foreign minister called the contact a "small trick by Taiwan" and noted that "healthy" U.S.-China relations hinge upon the so-called "one-China" policy.
President-elect Donald Trump is reviving the persuasive art of “jawboning” as he uses the bully pulpit to strong-arm straying manufacturers. But for how long will it be effective, and is it in the long-term best interest of the economy?
President-elect Donald Trump and Vice President-elect Mike Pence plan to be in Indianapolis on Thursday to detail the deal.
Immigration groups, Planned Parenthood, the American Civil Liberties Union and other groups say contributions are up—and so are people who want to donate their time.
Hoosier businesses hope negative campaign talk about nation’s trade deals won’t restrict free flow of Indiana goods outside U.S. borders.