
Analysts: Lilly setbacks might spur shopping spree

CEO John Lechleiter claims Eli Lilly and Co. isn’t interested in big acquisitions to bolster its flagging drug pipeline, but its recently devalued partner Amylin Pharmaceuticals might be the right fit, industry analysts say.

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Consultants: Pharma industry facing huge changes

Heitzman_WatchVideoTo date, most analysts say health reform turned out pretty well for the pharmaceutical industry. But a detailed analysis by Deloitte Consulting says the indirect effects of reform will deliver a gut punch to the industry that will lead to full-scale transformation akin to what the telecommunications world has seen over the past three decades.

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New rules raise stakes for Lilly drug

Drugmakers testing experimental Alzheimer’s medicines—including Eli Lilly and Co.—got good news last week
when the National Institute on Aging and the Alzheimer’s Association proposed new guidelines to make earlier diagnoses
of the disease.

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Lilly’s Alzheimer’s gamble takes aim at $10 billion in patent losses

Both of Lilly’s late-stage treatments are designed to reduce plaque in the brain called beta amyloid, thought by researchers
to be a main contributor to Alzheimer’s. A drug that stops or reduces memory loss caused by Alzheimer’s may be worth more
than $5 billion
a year, an analyst says, helping Lilly overcome the coming patent losses on several important pharmaceuticals.

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