
Economists: Second quarter to be worse than expected

U.S. economic growth in the second quarter is predicted to be far weaker than previously expected and it will prevent the pace of annual growth from exceeding last year's 2.4 percent, according to a forecast by a group of U.S. business economists.

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BOHANON & STYRING: Upshots of Europe’s surreal negative rates

“Negative real interest rates are impossible.” That’s econ-speak for the simple idea that you have to be nuts to pay someone to borrow money from you. Styring would have to be smoking a controlled substance to lend Bohanon $100 on his promise to pay back $99.75 a year from now. He’s better off just stashing […]

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BOHANON & STYRING: Legislators eye own districts in school debate

One big hurdle remains before our legislators can leave by their April 29 deadline: the two-year state budget. As is so often the case, the main budget item up in the air is the school formula, the complex calculations that determine how much money each district receives from the state.

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