Bohanon & Curott: The Fed should have adhered to its target
During the current recovery, the Fed has abused its discretion, purchasing trillions in Treasury bonds and mortgage securities, flooding the economy with money and credit.
During the current recovery, the Fed has abused its discretion, purchasing trillions in Treasury bonds and mortgage securities, flooding the economy with money and credit.
A federal price gouging law would not lower inflation because it does nothing to address its cause.
Founded in 1997, the trust owns and maintains a collection of over 1,500 first or early editions of great books and manuscripts, mostly published before 1900.
The observations came in the Federal Reserve’s semiannual Financial Stability Report that looks at trends in trading and investing as well as broad economic issues.
It is important to recognize that the dollar value of production of final goods in an economy is not identical to the well-being or living standard of the residents of the economy, although the two are inevitably related.
Rising inflation that has caused the biggest jump in prices in 40 years has spurred the Federal Reserve to aggressively raise interest rates, which increases demand for U.S. dollars.
Ongoing access to resources is necessary for any broadcast, publication or communications network to be viable.
In our opinion, the only reason inflation expectations aren’t higher is that the Fed hasn’t lost all credibility in its commitment to lowering inflation.
One little heralded change was when the Fed moved in 2019 from a two percent inflation target to a two percent average inflation target.
When the U.S. government “weaponizes” the dollar, the certainty of dollar redeemability is eroded, as is its desirability as a currency.
Here are three simple tests for any claim: Does the claim sound plausible? Does the claim check out? Is there a cogent theory behind the claim?
With all due respect to our Keynesian colleagues, discouraging saving is bad policy.
When the money supply increases faster than the output of goods and services, people spend the excess money. This causes prices to rise and the value of money to fall.
There are two ways a country can obtain a good or service. Both require it to use its scarce domestic resources—notably its land, labor and capital—to that end.
The great economist Walter Williams said the primary economic justification for government is to protect its citizens from thugs, both foreign and domestic.
After Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan, the USA hasn’t the political will to engage in another war.
One of the marvelous attributes of a profit-driven system of free enterprise is that a crisis often spawns productive innovation.
The best way to assess how our policymakers have performed is by gauging how well they have kept the dollar value of income in the economy—what economists call nominal gross domestic product (NGDP)—growing on its expected path.
But what if a majority of voters or their legislative representatives think universities, or, for that matter, K-12 schools, should or should not teach certain ideas?
A major contribution Milton Friedman made to economics was his observation that most people don’t spend as much out of their windfall gains as they do out of increases in income that are more permanent.