
Higher payroll taxes take toll on restaurants

So far, 2013 has been “a roller coaster ride” for Indiana eateries, according the state trade association’s president. Industry observers say a 2-percent increase in the payroll tax is a likely culprit in a nationwide sales decline.

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Cliff avoided: Congress staves off tax hikes

Past its own New Year's deadline, a weary Congress sent President Barack Obama legislation to avoid a national "fiscal cliff" of middle class tax increases and spending cuts late Tuesday night in the culmination of a struggle that strained America's divided government to the limit.

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REWIND: IBJ’s top 10 business stories of 2012

Top 10 business stories of 2012 Watch VideoThe state's labor landscape changed, and the housing market improved. Indianapolis basked in the glow of a flawless Super Bowl, and big-name CEOs were shown the door. IBJ's reporters and editors recall the year's biggest stories.

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Holiday retail sales growth weakest since 2008

Shoppers were buffeted this year by a string of events that made them less likely to spend. The numbers also show how Washington’s current budget impasse is trickling down to Main Street and unsettling consumers.

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IU: Growth of Indiana’s labor force slowing rapidly

The Indiana Business Research Center attributes the predicted slowdown during the next 30 years to an increasing number of baby boomers entering retirement and a cresting of the decades-long rise in female labor force participation.

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U.S. jobless benefit applications fall slightly

The number of people seeking unemployment benefits fell last week by 8,000, but the figures were distorted by Superstorm Sandy. The four-week average of applications, a less volatile measure, rose by 3,250.

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