
Emerging growth markets tempt Hoosier companies

global indisana watch videoConsumption in emerging markets across the globe is growing fast, according to Chase Bank. Executives of several Indiana firms share their successes and mistakes when establishing operations outside the U.S.

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Upswing causing slowdown in startups

The number of newly formed Indiana companies slumped in 2013, the first such dip since the recession, but the small drop could actually be a positive sign for the economy. Established companies have more job openings than a few years ago, meaning workers have less incentive to start their own businesses, as thousands did when the economy tumbled.

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Strategist: Get ready for steady economic growth

Forecast 2014 Watch video iconBusinesses will begin using their profits and horded cash to reinvest in themselves in 2014, helping push economic growth back to a more comfortable 2.5 percent, according to John Augustine, chief market strategist for Fifth Third Bank.

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