Alleys of devastation
Plenty of stories have been published and aired in recent days about migration…
Plenty of stories have been published and aired in recent days about migration…
Fledgling attorneys face a legal industry in defensive mode, resulting in drooping employment figures.
To use a gardening metaphor, have the courage to prune back in a tough economy, and plant new seeds before the weather improves.
Unemployment often is a necessary and natural part of a healthy economy. But job losses that come when workers or even entire
industries become redundant are especially painful.
Americans have suddenly gotten serious again about saving money.
In April last year, we saved absolutely nothing; by May this year the rate had shot to nearly 7 percent,
the highest in more than a decade, and some economists…
Itâ??s old news that houses arenâ??t selling. But did you realize the situation is so bad that migration around
the country has all but stopped?
Thatâ??s what Ball State University economist Mike Hicks and a colleague at the Mackinaw Center for…
Jobs created by the new manufacturing plant have been offset by losses elsewhere in the community, and related development
remains scarce. But local officials remain optimistic about Honda’s long-term impact.
For investors, 2008 was the worst year since the Great Depression. Even so, more than half of the state’s public-company executives
saw the value of their pay packages rise from 2007—despite the fact that only 10 of the companies posted a positive total
return in 2008, and 46 companies shed more than one-third of their stock market value.
Beneath Americaâ??s financial woes lies a lack of innovation, a recent BusinessWeek article argues. A paucity
of breakthrough products could have triggered the nationâ??s borrowing binge and ultimately the financial meltdown,
it says.
Hereâ??s the logic: A decade ago,…
Before you hear Ed Morrisonâ??s warning for Indianapolis, itâ??s helpful to know the Cleveland-area resident is
a fan.
Morrison, who was hired by Purdue University a couple of years ago to help Hoosiers think of new ways of
solving problems, believes…
In his five-minute address last night, Mitch Daniels referred to other statesâ?? fiscal woes no fewer than
four times.
Daniels, who is so fiscally conservative that one wonders whether he darns his own socks, is rightfully proud
that his state hasnâ??t…
With the help of outside economists, Indiana government undergoes an economic forecast every other yearâ??a process that’s taken on increased importance this spring, as Gov. Mitch Daniels and the Legislature attempt to craft a two-year budget amid the deepest recession since the early 1980s.
I enjoyed speaking to your reporter, Kathleen McLaughlin. However, her article ["Building on a prayer," in the May 25 issue] contains an error that requires correction. The statement that "Holy Trinity Greek Christian Orthodox Church proceeded with its northward migration from 40th and Pennsylvania streets to western Carmel even though it isn’t necessarily growing"—is not […]
Churches, which tend to ride out recessions better than many other institutions, are struggling to finish
building projects, reporter Kathleen McLaughlin writes in this weekendâ??s IBJ.
The recession and stock market downturn have forced parishioners to scale back commitments,…
In Indianapolis and around the country, congregations that expanded before the recession are now taking drastic measures,
including budget cuts that have resulted in layoffs, salary reductions and giving less to charities.
A new poll shows college grads are worried about finding jobs â?? no surprise there, considering the sorry
state of the economy.
But the poll, taken by Edison Media Research, also shows a third of them fretting about their…
Ind. Gov. Mitch Daniels will call the Legislature into special session to pass an acceptable budget, but some legislators think a budget that would satisfy the governor cannot be crafted by the contentious partisans in this developing fiasco.
Indiana University handed the stateâ??s life sciences industry a nice love letter today in the form of a study.
Pharmaceuticals, medical equipment and health care supplies were responsible for nearly a fourth of all jobs
created in the state…
One of Indianaâ??s better-known living authors, Scott Russell Sanders, has spent most of his career writing
about our relationship to the environment and our sense of place.
Sanders newest book, â??A Conservationist Manifesto,â?? published last month by Indiana University…
Someone once told me it’s easy to run an organization when times are good.
It’s when times are tough that things get difficult. Well, we’re definitely there.