State’s gambling jackpot may have reached its limit
Hoosiers’ long ride on the gambling gravy train finally may be coming to an end.
Hoosiers’ long ride on the gambling gravy train finally may be coming to an end.
Local manufacturing stalwart Allison Transmission will have to restructure its more than $4 billion in debt or further cut
expenses if it’s going to weather the recession.
About two dozen franchises based in Indiana are not immune to difficulties during the recession.
Among defendants named in a Missouri lawsuit against investment firm Stifel Nicolaus and Co. is Stifel Managing Director Jeffrey
Cohen, who is based in the company’s Indianapolis
In the past, lawmakers ignored the need to fix financing for the Unemployment Insurance Trust Fund, and now they must come
up with solutions that will be difficult for both Democrats and Republicans to accept.
The wages paid by a company to its employees are a distinctly private matter.
Difficult economic conditions have been faced before and we have both the tools and will to overcome our problems.
The scenario for area art institutions could darken considerably in 2010, 2011 and 2012, as cultural institutions fully account for devastating investment losses in their endowments â?? a key source of income.
Indiana leaders need to focus on the increasing gap between the average wage in Indiana and in the nation.
This week I’m going to be
your own, personal Pollyanna and try to cheer you up with some good news.
Financing is the lifeblood of companies turning intellectual property into a product or service, but turbulent economic conditions
have made it increasingly difficult to raise cash from investors who are content to wait
out the storm by concentrating on their existing portfolios.
When economists worry about the health of the banking system, it is primarily because we are concerned with a stable velocity
of money.
I went to church Sunday night. It wasn’t a religious experience â?? wasn’t supposed to be, anyway.
Contractors struggling under the weight of an unfinished factory in Tipton are hoping for a quick sale to recover at least
some of the $44 million they say they’re owed by Getrag Transmission Manufacturing.
The end of C.P. Morgan, the largest
central Indiana builder for a decade, will throw 1,200 home lots and options for 800 more onto an already flooded land market.
How we feel individually about the economy is often at odds with how the economy is performing.
Experts worry that if unemployment worsens, even more companies could be forced to cut benefits, especially health insurance.
It was not World War II that moved America out of the Great Depression.