Communities making tough choices will be better off
During the coming weeks, a number of Indiana cities and counties will be coming to terms with their new budget realities.
During the coming weeks, a number of Indiana cities and counties will be coming to terms with their new budget realities.
A growing number of companies strapped for cash and struggling to pay their bills on time is presenting an unusual opportunity
for Vontoo Inc., a local IT firm.
With a growing labor market in Indiana, it would seem this recession, thus far, is an economic shock that may be of shorter
duration and severity than the 1982 decline.
The unprecedented plunge on Wall Street the last three months has spurred a couple of dozen executives and directors at Indiana
public companies to scoop up shares in their own companies.
Indiana’s public pensions lost $5 billion in the 12 months ending Sept. 30.
Slowing auto sales have forced Carmel-based Automotive Finance Corp., which lends money to car dealers to buy used vehicles
at auction, to take a big write-off on the declining value of its loan portfolio.
Private employers that still offer traditional pension plans are getting a big shock as they assess how much more it will
cost to shoulder retirement obligations.
An Ohio developer and the town of Fishers have agreed to cancel a 2007 development agreement that called for a $100-million
mixed-use project featuring 250,000 square feet of retail space and 150,000 square feet of office.
Since 1913, there has been a growing reluctance from our political leaders to allow financial setbacks in our nation to occur
in banking, and that’s been a huge mistake.
Most colleges and universities in central
Indiana are being especially frugal because the value of their university endowments has plunged along with the market,donations
may decrease, and enrollment may decline, due to lack of student loan availability.
A recent article in The Economist predicts a deep recession next year if we Americans abandon our spendthrift
ways and swing back to a savings lifestyle. What other nation, the magazine wonders, would buy enough things
to keep…
Newton County Loan & Savings bank couldnâ??t be more out of the way â?? or more relevant in this day of
government bailouts.
The thrift is in Goodland, a burg between Lafayette and Chicago, and has all of $7.3 million in…
Two schools of thought are emerging over the proposed bailout of General Motors, Ford and Chrysler.
One is that the auto industry is too big to fail. Itâ??s not just because of the manufacturing operations
and all the suppliers…
Emmis Communications Corp. struggles to contain expenses and minimize debts due to radio advertising shortfalls.
Budget cuts could eliminate programs that gather and analyze local and state economic data. This would hurt businesses and
economic development officials, since they would not have the data that helps them see how their market differs from the state
and the nation.
For small businesses to survive, they must be prepared to withstand economic difficulties for some time…
Experts with the Troubled Asset Relief Program, the government’s financial bailout program, are struggling to figure out how
best to relieve America’s financial mess.
At this difficult time in the country’s economic life, state leaders should invest in tourism promotion and development.
Most economists spend some time teaching, but the vast majority of our time is spent doing research.
CEOs with Simon Property, Duke Realty Corp. and Interactive Intelligence Inc. report that their companies are taking an uncharacteristically
cautious approach to acquisitions and investments, given the faltering economy.