
Editorial: Remake economic development strategy for post-pandemic times

Even before the pandemic, there were efforts afoot, such as TechPoint’s partnership with TMap, to identify people with an Indiana connection who work outside the state but might be willing to return. We’ve used this space before to encourage such programs, but now there’s a new urgency to making such appeals, and not just to people who already have local ties.

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EDITORIAL: Wear a mask and be part of the solution

Wearing a mask is not giving in to the pandemic. It is just the opposite. It is the way we push forward with our personal and professional lives without spreading a disease that—if left unchecked—will continue to wreak havoc on our economy.

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Editorial: City should diversify partnerships

Opening opportunities for Black Americans and other groups means rethinking not just how we do things but why we do them the way we do. And then amending or even ripping those systems apart and rebuilding them.

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Editorial: Downtown faces big tests, but failure isn’t an option

The business community has a huge role to play. The last time the city reinvented itself, turning a blighted downtown into a magnet for housing, retail, conventions and high-profile sporting events, the momentum came from business leaders who worked hand-in-hand with city government to transform the city.

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EDITORIAL: Federal formula for sending virus aid to states is out of whack

Indiana has the 12th-highest COVID-19 death rate in the United States, but its share of federal money intended to help states battle the pandemic isn’t nearly so high. And that’s a problem. Not just for Indiana but for every state fighting to keep from being overwhelmed by the virus but receiving a disproportionately small share […]

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