
Editorial: Lawmakers made right call in fully funding 21 Fund

The 21 Fund’s purpose has meandered a bit since it was created in 1999, but it always has been dedicated in some way to encouraging research, technology and innovation. And that investment is key to maintaining the state’s efforts to create a vibrant tech community.

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Editorial: Community needs to act to on income inequality problems

Local companies—be they big corporations or small startups—need a strong talent pool from which to draw their workers. State and local governments need a healthy tax base from which to pull revenue to keep the region’s infrastructure—roads, mass transit, internet access and more—strong enough for business. And the region needs residents who invest time, money and energy into their homes, their schools and their community at large. None of that can happen when a large percentage of the population is economically drowning.

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Editorial: Support for cigarette-tax hike should be too strong to ignore

Too many legislators are afraid of being attacked in the next election for raising taxes. Fear of being “primaried” over a tax hike—even one most people support—is one of the sad byproducts of a system where gerrymandered “safe” districts in too many instances make general-election results a foregone conclusion.

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Editorial: Hoosier businesses have role in developing ‘sense of place’

The push to create a stronger sense of place in central Indiana could benefit the community at large, of course. But the biggest advocates of such efforts are business leaders concerned about attracting the best talent, and we love the idea that each one of them could take on a little of the responsibility for making the city a more attractive place to live and work.

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