EDITORIAL: Indy Rezone initiative off to good start
The city unveiled the Indy Rezone plan July 5, and it’s clear from the top of the project flow chart that fresh perspectives are welcome.
The city unveiled the Indy Rezone plan July 5, and it’s clear from the top of the project flow chart that fresh perspectives are welcome.
Hamilton County motorists may be forgiven the occasional bout of road rage this summer.
It remains to be seen what will happen to BrightPoint’s 1,300 employees in the Indianapolis area.
For a guy with a legendary competitive streak, Bird was remarkably willing to suffer losses in the short term as part of his larger strategy of rebuilding the franchise.
Purdue University, known for its outstanding academic programs, has long sought a higher national profile. Choosing Mitch Daniels as its president should go a long way toward achieving that goal.
A school district where fewer than half the students pass state-standardized tests isn’t getting the job done.
Extending coverage sends message about inclusion.
Indianapolis’ urban design guidelines are intended to create an environment that is appealing to those who live, work and shop here. That, in turn, creates demand, providing an opportunity for future investment while protecting investments already in place.
The Indiana Pacers have returned to relevance in the NBA and in the eyes of local fans.
It’s great to see such an impressive team of corporate and civic heavy-hitters working together to ensure a bright future for one of central Indiana’s most iconic businesses.
We were never of the opinion that Sen. Richard Lugar was out of touch with Hoosiers, or that his ability to reach across the aisle to solve a problem was a strike against him.
A conversation is starting about the health of this city’s urban core that everyone in the region should join.
Gubernatorial candidate Mike Pence should take the high road and lay out his full agenda … because Hoosiers deserve to know how he would lead the state following eight years of sweeping reform under Gov. Mitch Daniels.
Indianapolis Public Schools chief Eugene White projected a defiant tilt toward the status quo.
The Indianapolis jobs picture is brighter than previous reports indicated. Revised data provided by the federal Bureau of Labor Statistics last month revealed the metro area had about 15,000 more jobs than previously reported and ended the year on a roll.
No one benefits when unprepared or disinterested students are herded into colleges.
If our region is to compete effectively, it needs to present—at least to outsiders—a unified front.
If Eugene White leaves Indianapolis Public Schools—maybe not so coincidentally near Jason Kloth’s April 1 move into the City-County Building—the city has an even better opportunity to signal it’s a place where reform-minded educators can thrive.
The lavishness of the trips smacks of a culture of indulgence and raises questions about whether airport CEO John Clark III is making the best use of his time.
Like it or not—and most of the time we like it—technology has changed the world we live in.