
EDITORIAL: Senate smoking ban bad for business

The statewide smoking ban approved by the Indiana Senate Feb. 29 was riddled with exemptions, seeming to prove what many people have already concluded: The majority of our lawmakers aren’t concerned with public health; they care far more about the right of business owners to operate without government intrusion.

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EDITORIAL: Time to put TIFs in the spotlight

TIF proponents argue that the new private-sector developments—from the JW Marriott downtown to the Dow AgroSciences expansion on the northwest side—wouldn’t happen without the incentives.

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EDITORIAL: Time again for Indy ingenuity

The close of a landmark event like the Super Bowl coupled with the pressing need to update Indiana Sports Corp.’s long-range plan offers the organization a prime opportunity to rethink the city’s sports strategy.

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EDITORIAL: Mayoral control is best for IPS

The Mind Trust’s provocative new report on the future of Indianapolis Public Schools is sure to lead to a vigorous debate over how the district should operate, including whom the public should hold accountable for its performance—the publicly elected board that controls it now or the mayor of Indianapolis.

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EDITORIAL: Political gridlock unwelcome here

Now that roughly 30 percent of the city’s registered voters have determined who will lead the city the next four years, we have some advice for Mayor Greg Ballard and the newly elected City-County Council: Keep your victory in perspective.

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EDITORIAL: Learn right lessons from Litebox gaffe

Gov. Mitch Daniels has been derided in recent days for standing next to California businessman Bob Yanagihara and declaring, “We like visionaries, we love inventors, we love entrepreneurs. You are all those things.”

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