

The Interview Issue: Reginald McGregor

At Rolls-Royce, Reginald McGregor is tasked with finding kids who have a fascination with how things work, then molding them into future engineers who will help the company grow.

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The Interview Issue: Sue Ellspermann

Sue Ellspermann has been a lot of things in her life: industrial engineer, business consultant, university teacher, state legislator and—from 2013 until earlier this year—Indiana’s lieutenant governor. Now, the southwestern Indiana native has a new gig: president of Ivy Tech Community College of Indiana, which she started July 1.

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The Interview Issue: Nasser Paydar

IUPUI Chancellor Nasser Paydar doesn’t just talk about the importance of a diverse campus. He taken action—boosting black enrollment in this year’s freshman class by 44 percent. But he’s concerned about Indianapolis too and recently convened a group of young professionals to talk about the city’s future.

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