
Report: ISU struggling to retain key students

Indiana State University officials concerned about low freshman retention rates, especially among African-American students, are looking at ways to keep more students in college to get their degrees.

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Some worry vouchers could cause reverse migration

Private schools that saw enrollment swell this year because of Indiana's sweeping school voucher program fear they could see some of those gains erased next year as parents paying their own way instead enroll their children in public school so they can qualify for a voucher the following year.

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Mind Trust calls for decentralizing IPS district

By gutting its central office, Indianapolis Public Schools could free up $188 million to provide universal preschool, to pay key teachers more than $100,000 a year and to transform itself into a network of autonomous “opportunity” schools.

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Waltons give $1 million to Mind Trust charter incubator

The $1 million grant from the Arkansas-based Walton Family Foundation will fund a team that will open its first charter school in the 2013-2014 school year as part of what the group hopes will become a network of high-performing charter schools.

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Advocates: Vouchers living up to expectations

Nearly 4,000 students who formerly attended public schools are receiving tax money to help pay the cost of private school under Indiana's school voucher program, which is believed to be the nation's largest, officials say.

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Turnaround company wants to launch feeder schools

Charter Schools USA, the Florida-based company tapped by the state government to turn around Howe and Manual high schools in Indianapolis, also wants to launch two charter elementary schools to help feed students into those schools.

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Lilly Endowment gives $4.9M for teaching fellowships

Indianapolis-based Lilly Endowment Inc. is giving another big gift to help fund the Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation, which prepares career changers and college graduates to teach math, science, engineering and technology in rural and urban schools.

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Developer plans 26-story tower along canal

Valparaiso-based Investment Property Advisors wants to build an $83 million apartment project for college students on one of the last available parcels along downtown’s Central Canal.

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