
Ball State touted for research even as funding drops

The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching has classified Ball State as a "high research university" for the first time, elevating it to a status shared in Indiana only by Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis.

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Life sciences to drive Purdue’s next decade of building

Over the past 10 years, Purdue University has built Discovery Park into a thriving research and business incubation center, launching more than 30 companies and hosting dozens more. Now Purdue will spend more than $164 million to construct a Life and Health Sciences Quadrangle next to Discovery Park.

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Trucking firms need drivers; students can’t afford training

A study by the Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals estimates that the trucking industry needs to hire 200,000 more drivers this year, but some driver-training schools locally say many potential students don’t have the $3,000-to-$5,000 or more for tuition.

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GOP lawmakers push plan to expand charters

The House Education Committee is considering a bill to allow more charter schools, which are public schools that are free of certain state regulations. The bill also allows charters to share state transportation funds with traditional public schools.

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