
State group says charter school enrollment doubles

The Indiana Public Charter Schools Association says enrollment at Indiana's public charter schools rose from about 11,000 students in the 2007/08 school year to about 23,000 this year — or about a 110 percent increase.

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New grads struggle to put education to work

In May, only one-quarter of 2010 college graduates who applied for a job actually received one, compared with more than half in 2007. About as many college graduates of all ages also are plagued by underemployment, working jobs below their skill level—including Butler grad Tom Otero.

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Indiana University aims to raise $5B in a decade

Indiana University President Michael McRobbie says the university is in "constant campaign mode," and private philanthropy is vital for enhancing student financial aid, endowed faculty chairs, specialized buildings and academic initiatives.

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Purdue hosts winemaking, grape-growing workshop

An Oct. 13 workshop will offer tours of Purdue University's vineyard at Meigs Farm during which participants will learn the basics of juice and wine quality control. The workshop is run by the school's Wine Grape Action Team, a group that aims to help Indiana vintners and wine grape growers.

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Purdue president to discuss research with VP Biden

France Cordova is one of six university presidents who will take part in Tuesday's gathering to fill Vice President Joe Biden in on research that's being funded by the National Science Foundation and other federal agencies.

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IU research aims to improve chocolate, help farmers

A team from IU's Center for Genomics and Bioinformatics is part of a consortium that has completed the genomic structure of the Forasteo cacao tree, which is used to produce 80 percent to 90 percent of the world's chocolate.

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