
Adjunct instructors organize at IUPUI

Two problems come with prevalent use of adjunct instructors: a perception that adjuncts reduce the quality of instruction
and the adjuncts’ frustration with low levels of pay, security and benefits, and appreciation.

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Butler loses title game, but wins massive publicity

Butler received so many visits to its main Web site, school officials had to beef up the computer system. School President
Bobby Fong is commissioning a study to gauge the value of the publicity earned through the Bulldogs' run to the Final

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Purdue engineering degree to be offered at four sites

Starting next fall, Purdue will start offering the degree in Anderson, Kokomo, Richmond and South Bend. The school says the
new effort is intended to give students an opportunity to earn a Purdue degree while staying close to home.

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State names second virtual charter school

Rural Community Academy, in Sullivan, south of Terre Haute, can enroll as many as 280 students in the 2010-11 academic year. Those students would do most of their work from home, accessing lectures and school materials via the Internet.

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