
BULLS & BEARS: I’m all for optimism, but be skeptical, too

When viewing the historical record of the stock market, it is clear investors who maintained a positive longterm stance have been rewarded with attractive compounded returns, despite some significant zigs and zags in between. Americans are, on balance, an optimistic bunch, especially when it comes to our outlook for the future. A “best is yet to come” policy has served us well, providing the drive to innovate and improve our country’s standard of living. Nevertheless, when it comes to making…

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TOM HARTON Commentary: Kids were pawns in an adult game

Judge S. Hugh Dillin is dead, but the negative consequences of his school desegregation orders are still with us. Dillin, who died March 13, didn’t invent white flight, suburban sprawl or broken urban school systems, but if those problems were smoldering in 1970s Indianapolis, Dillin’s decisions poured gasoline on the fire. This column is not a diatribe against Dillin. His decisions were only interpretations of the law, after all, and the highest court in the land affirmed them. Based on…

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EYE ON THE PIE: Waiter shines light on education

I spent most of a recent weekend in the hospital, but no one seems to want to hear that story. It wasn’t much of a story, as it turns out, but the bill, which will fall on you, will be enormous. My part of the bill will be small because I am covered by Medicare and private health insurance. This means you will see my use of the health care system reflected in your future taxes and in your future…

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More students seek degree online: Working, career-hopping adults drawn by flexible degree format

ITT Educational Services Inc. may nearly double by the end of this year the number of degree programs it offers entirely through online instruction as the school seeks to enroll students who can’t make class because of work or family obligations. Six online bachelor degree programs and two online associate degree programs are in various stages of regulatory and accreditation review, according to the Carmel-based technical education provider, which has 38,800 students enrolled at schools in 28 states. President and…

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TechPoint names up-and-coming Mira nominees: Annual award celebrates excellence in innovation

TechPoint won’t distribute its annual Mira awards until its banquet at the Indiana Roof Ballroom May 19. But the state’s largest high-tech trade association has completed the nomination process for its top awards, pulling together a list of 49 innovative companies and educators in such categories as information technology, life sciences and advanced manufacturing. About 750 people usually attend the Mira banquet. But the awards are meant to reverberate among a far wider population all year long as confirmation which…

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Federal patent legislation could mean major changes: Proposed reform act could cut down on ‘trolling’ and litigation by switching approvals to a first-to-file system

Pending federal legislation could bring sweeping changes to a patent system critics say is broken and in need of repair. The Patent Reform Act-before Congress since last year-presents the most substantial overhaul in decades. Significant changes include creating a process to challenge patents after they are granted and awarding a patent to the first person to submit paperwork. Patents currently are granted to the first person who hatched the invention, regardless of when documents were filed. Time frames, though, can…

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Mooresville hospital plans next expansion: $33 million project would add emergency department, boost other service areas

St. Francis Hospital-Mooresville might finally land the emergency department town leaders want, thanks to a proposed $33 million expansion and renovation. Plans for an emergency department surfaced in bond paperwork the hospital filed recently with the Indiana Health and Educational Facility Financing Authority. The filing said the hospital also plans to add private rooms and renovate its surgery, joint and colorectal care facilities. Adding an emergency department also was mentioned in a lawsuit St. Francis officials filed last year against…

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Irwin to idle failed foray into venture capital: $20 million fund formed during dot-com boom, focused on financial software

Indiana’s sixth-largest venture capital fund is winding down. Founded in 1999, Irwin Ventures LLC is a subsidiary of Columbus-based Irwin Financial Corp. The fund, which in recent years reported assets of $20 million, focused on seed and early-stage investments in startup firms that create financial services software and technology. But Irwin Ventures’ speculative investments didn’t pan out as expected. “Based on the results since inception, this line of business was a financial disaster,” said Ross Demmerle, an analyst with Louisville-based…

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SPORTS: Pacers’ off-the-court performance never waned

Like any team, especially the professional variety, the Indiana Pacers are to be judged by their success … or lack thereof. Their bottom line is the one that’s posted on the scoreboard 82 times a season, then again in the playoffs. It comes as no bulletin that the last two years have been more painful than pleasurable, much of which can be traced to the excesses and eccentricities of the nowdeparted Ron Artest. Collateral damage has been the organization’s reputation…

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You can take it to the bank: Financial experts say state’s economy is rising, merger mania isn’t over and regulatory laws could take a toll

On Feb. 24, IBJ Publisher Chris Katterjohn, Managing Editor Greg Andrews and banking reporter Matt Kish sat down with four leaders from Indianapolis’ banking and finance sector: Judith Ripley, director of the Indiana Department of Financial Institutions; Kit Stolen, CEO of Union Federal Bank of Indianapolis; Steve Beck, president and CEO of the Indiana Venture Center; and Keith Slifer, senior vice president of LaSalle Bank. Among the topics of conversation: How’s the state’s economy doing? Are more bank mergers on…

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BRIAN WILLIAMS Commentary: Indiana’s life sciences future starts today

Indiana’s life sciences future starts today In 2004, BioCrossroads was awarded a comprehensive grant by the Lumina Foundation for Education to study Indiana’s life sciences K-12 education standing. One of the goals of the study was to find ways to improve student performance in science, math and technology in Indiana at the K-12 level. This study rightly identified an area where meaningful results can be achieved through concerted effort. More important, individuals at Marian College, who recognize the impact of…

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NOTIONS Bruce Hetrick: Yes, Mama, it’s OK to let your baby study liberal arts

Bruce Hetrick is on vacation this week. In his absence,this column,which appeared on March 17, 2003, is being reprinted. Last summer, an Indiana University English professor sent me an e-mail. It said that she and her colleagues were creating a new course called “Careers in English.” Its premise: One might do something with an English degree besides teach English. As they planned their curriculum, the instructors searched for an appropriate textbook. When they couldn’t find one, they decided to create…

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How Family Friendly is: Duke Realty Corp.: Locally based, publicly traded, commercial real estate firm

Duke Realty Corp. Locally based, publicly traded, commercial real estate firm Flexible work arrangements Duke managers support flexible work arrangements whenever possible. Some associates work flexible hours, compressed workweeks, part-time schedules or take advantage of part-time telecommuting. Child care Dependent Care Flexible Spending Accounts are offered and allow associates to set aside money on a before-tax basis through payroll deductions to cover daycare expenses. Family leave/military leave Eligible associates may take FMLA leave up to 12 weeks. Employees can also…

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EYE ON THE PIE: Here’s a recipe for business success

Clovis Crowder did not become a leading Hoosier executive by default. He did not inherit his position. He earned it. A man of rugged countenance, imposing stature and brilliant intellect, he is often mentioned as a candidate for high elected office, but humbly declines all such invitations. Also, he has no ambition to be a university president or a basketball coach. Recently, he and I had the following conversation: MM: “Tell me, Mr. Crowder, what has been the essential feature…

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Indiana’s universities give industry a boost: State touts wealth of higher-ed insurance programs

Politicians seem so much more 21st century when they talk about attracting life sciences and information technology jobs to Indiana. But they’re not about to ignore the state’s second-largest employer-the often-overlooked insurance industry. Indiana insurers employ more than 60,000 Hoosiers, second only to farming, and pay an average annual salary of $47,500, nearly $10,000 more than the state average, according to a 2004 study by Purdue University. Moreover, the industry boasts some of the state’s largest public and private companies-WellPoint…

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Emerging India: Indians explore prospects in Indiana: Delegation of 15 execs finds opportunities during tour of Indianapolis, Purdue tech park

Indians explore prospects in Indiana Delegation of 15 execs finds opportunities during tour of Indianapolis, Purdue tech park J.V.V. Satyanarayana spent the last three years launching his Chennai, India-based software firm. But after only 24 hours in Indianapolis, he was ready to expand his operation. Satyanarayana was part of a delegation of 15 Indian executives who visited Indiana last week. His business, SVL Infotech, manages the IT end of medical billing. It has 100 employees and handles claims worth $100…

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ECONOMIC ANALYSIS: The fight to hire top talent: Do we have what it takes?

Most cities have mayors, police chiefs and tax collectors. But suppose for a moment they each had an additional staff position as well-the recruiter. Like a basketball coach or a talent scout, these recruiters would scour the country, looking for talented people who would fit into the community and add to the economic base. And when they found one, they would make their pitch, touting their town’s assets and strengths, and urging the recruit to relocate. The prospects, on the…

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New support group aids entrepreneurs: Growing network quick to attract diverse membership

But it’s not because Roots doesn’t know how to write HTML code. Rather, he’s got so much business coming in the doors he doesn’t have any free time for turning wrenches on his own That’s a good problem to have for an entrepreneur who’s still dotting the “i”s on his LLC application. He credits the influx of business to a new networking group for entrepreneurs that is attracting a sizeable contingent of women and minority business owners. The group-which…

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Home investors fill portfolios with bricks and mortar: Membership in local investor group grows; national trend, foreclosures are playing a part

Mike Wilson recalls going to meetings of the Indianapolis Landlords Association in the late 1990s and listening to a “good old boys club” talk about property management problems such as how to fix toilets and get rid of cockroaches. “They were managing properties, not buying,” said Wilson, who at the time had just started purchasing single-family homes as investments. With a hunger for knowledge and a hunch that there were others like him, Wilson took a spot on the board…

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Open source gaining traction: Government departments, more businesses seek alternatives to Microsoft, others

The Indiana Department of Education’s effort to outfit high schools with computers is a costly endeavor for a state strapped for cash. But installing what is known as open-source software is softening the blow. As the name implies, open-source programming is available for users to study, modify and share freely-a sharp contrast to the proprietary software sold by behemoths such as Microsoft Corp. and Oracle. Expensive licensing fees associated with the proprietary software sent the Education Department looking for alternatives….

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