
IBJ rolls out politics website

The central Indiana business news authority has elevated the idea behind its popular Forefront section and created a website similarly focused on commentary about politics, policy and government.

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Shutdown orders issued as Congress misses deadline

For the first time in nearly two decades, the federal government staggered into a partial shutdown Monday at midnight after congressional Republicans demanded changes in the nation's health care law and President Barack Obama and Democrats refused.

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Pilots heap praise on state lawmakers

Indiana aviators are still celebrating two tax breaks created in the 2013 legislative session, one eliminating a sales tax on parts and repairs and a restructuring of the fuel tax that translates to hundreds in savings per fill-up.

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GOP powerbrokers crafted Indiana education policy, emails show

The Indiana education overhaul associated with Tony Bennett and then-Gov. Mitch Daniels actually was crafted in private by a handful of state GOP bigwigs, including Al Hubbard, Mark Miles and Mark Lubbers, according to emails obtained by the Associated Press. Elected officials weren’t included for months.

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Politicians looking to pump image find plenty of stats

Want a top ranking in economic development? There's a study for that. Need a report showing Indiana's jobs situation is stellar and Illinois' is one step away from being declared an international disaster zone? There's a business publication for that.

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Pence slowly putting his stamp on Indiana, GOP

Performance metrics and "key priority items" sound like dry management talk, but they provide insight into how Gov. Mike Pence is slowly taking the reins of the state and crafting Indiana's government with his own priorities.

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