
USDA chief: Rural America becoming less relevant

Tom Vilsack, former Democratic governor of Iowa, told farm belt leaders this past week that he’s frustrated with their internecine squabbles and says they need to be more strategic in picking their political fights.

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Pence travels Indiana to thank supporters, voters

Gov.-elect Mike Pence pledged to work with both parties to improve Indiana's economy but sidestepped potential political minefields as he hit the road Thursday for a two-day trip to thank supporters who helped him win the governor's office.

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Pence appoints veteran Indiana aide chief counsel

Indiana Gov.-elect Mike Pence announced Wednesday that Mark Ahearn would serve as his general counsel. Ahearn comes from the Indiana Department of Transportation and previously worked for Pence and former Sen. Dan Quayle in Congress.

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Lawmaker seeks funding to tackle abandoned housing

State Rep. Ed Clere plans to introduce a bill that would give municipalities explicit powers to create land banks, which can sell surplus property for redevelopment. He also wants to include a revenue source to support land-bank operations and eliminate tax-foreclosure sales as a form of investor speculation.

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Pence solidifies opposition to state exchange

Indiana Gov.-elect Mike Pence closed the door on a state-run health insurance exchange Thursday, arguing that the estimated $50 million cost of the state program was not worth the limited autonomy granted in return.

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Ritz turns to D.C. in quest for clout

Politically boxed in at home, newly elected state schools chief Glenda Ritz is looking to Washington for some wiggle room to make changes to Indiana’s education rules.

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Donnelly wins Senate race over Mourdock

Democrat Joe Donnelly defeated Richard Mourdock for an open U.S. Senate seat in Indiana, one of Republicans’ must-win races in their effort to gain control of the chamber.

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