
State lawmaker opposes honor for Girl Scouts

Indiana Rep. Bob Morris of Fort Wayne won't support a resolution celebrating the 100th anniversary of the Girl Scouts because he believes it is a "radicalized organization" that supports abortion and promotes homosexuality.

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Charlie White cries foul on residency, cites other cases

The ousted secretary of state claims Sen. Richard Lugar and former Sen. Evan Bayh vote from Indiana despite living near Washington, D.C. Lugar doesn't own a home in Indiana, and tea party activists want his candidacy disqualified as a result.

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Romney’s state co-chair could decide Santorum’s fate

Dan Dumezich is guiding Mitt Romney’s effort to win the Indiana GOP primary and also runs the state elections panel that weighs challenges to candidates’ ballot access. Opponent Rick Santorum is eight signatures shy of the 500 needed from Indiana’s 7th District.

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Daniels would consider post under GOP president

Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels, who decided last year against a presidential run, says he would consider serving in the cabinet of a new Republican president but believes it's "very improbable" the eventual nominee would tap him as a running mate.

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Charlie White convicted on vote-fraud charges

A Hamilton County jury found the secretary of state guilty of six of seven felony charges, including false registration, voting in another precinct, submitting a false ballot, theft and two counts of perjury.

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