
Connected law firm’s deal with Indiana grows

The Indiana Family and Social Services Administration now will pay Barnes & Thornburg up to $8.05 million through next June to represent the administration of Gov. Mitch Daniels in the lawsuit with IBM Corp.

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GOP candidates revive call to privatize Social Security

As President Barack Obama sidesteps ways to keep the retirement system viable, his would-be rivals are keen on letting younger workers divert part of their payroll taxes into some type of personal account to be invested separately from Social Security.

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Obama to seek new income tax rate for wealthy

The president is going to call it the “Buffett Rule” for Warren Buffett, the billionaire investor who has complained that rich people like him pay a smaller share of their income in federal taxes than middle-class taxpayers.

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Daniels works to maintain national profile

Since he decided against running for president in May, Gov. Mitch Daniels has given more interviews on national television than when he was still considering a run. Although he has said no to the top of the presidential ticket, he has not ruled out running for vice president.

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Goldsmith arrest prompted resignation from NYC

The former mayor of Indianapolis says he stepped down from his job as deputy mayor of New York City following his arrest over a domestic violence incident. The Goldsmiths deny accounts cited in a police report.

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