In rough economy, state candidates tout biz skills
Candidates might brag about their business credentials in any campaign year, but in the lead-up to Tuesday’s election, some say it’s been particularly intense.
Candidates might brag about their business credentials in any campaign year, but in the lead-up to Tuesday’s election, some say it’s been particularly intense.
Congressman Dan Burton is expected to win his 15th term Tuesday despite what some say is an anti-incumbent sentiment sweeping the nation.
The FBI also will have special agents available to receive allegations of election fraud or discrimination.
If Gov. Mitch Daniels and U.S. Rep. Mike Pence become presidential candidates, through them Indiana will represent something of a microcosm of the national Republican Party and its philosophical wings.
U.S. Rep. Brad Ellsworth on Monday used his first debate with Republican Dan Coats in the race for Indiana's open U.S. Senate seat to attack Coats for his time spent as a lobbyist. Libertarian Rebecca Sink-Burris tried to set her party apart by staying above the fray.
With a Republican tide predicted to wash over the country in next month’s election, there is a very real chance that the Indiana House will be dominated by the GOP for the first time since 2005-06, putting virtually all policy-setting responsibilities in Indiana in one party’s hands.
A nonpartisan group has launched a website to help Indiana voters determine where candidates stand on the issues, even if the candidates didn't answer its pre-election survey.
The Indiana Debate Commission is giving away tickets for the Oct. 11 debate on the IUPUI campus. The debate is the first of three scheduled between Republican Dan Coats, Democrat Brad Ellsworth and Libertarian Rebecca Sink-Burris.
The Republican hoping to be Indiana's next top election official committed voter fraud when he cast a ballot in the May primary using his ex-wife's home as his address, Democrats alleged Tuesday.
Indiana has a new high-tech way residents can register to vote for the Nov. 2 elections — using Internet-capable mobile phones.
Charlie White says because of his statewide campaign and recent marriage he didn't realize that his new home was outside his Fishers Town Council district.
A straw vote suggests that social conservatives favor Indiana Rep. Mike Pence to head a Republican presidential ticket with former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin in 2012.
Gov. Mitch Daniels joined others in promoting passage of a referendum that would make property tax caps in Indiana part of the state constitution.
Speculation about Gov. Mitch Daniels' presidential aspirations is rising with reports that he has been hosting a series of dinners with top Republican business and policy leaders from around the country.
Democrat Terry Curry and Republican Mark Massa say restoring trust is job one for the next Marion County prosecutor.
One hundred Indiana House seats are on the ballot—though many fewer are competitive—but their outcomes may affect the state well beyond the two-year terms that the candidates seek.
Two governors seen as potential 2012 presidential candidates appeared together Thursday night at a fundraiser for the Mississippi Republican Party. Mississippi's Haley Barbour and Indiana's Mitch Daniels wouldn't say whether either has ambitions for the White House.
Republican Sen. Richard Lugar said Wednesday that he plans on seeking a seventh term in 2012 in a bid that would extend his
run as the longest-serving U.S. senator in Indiana history.
Critics have argued that the law, which requires voters to show a photo ID to cast a ballot, violates the state constitution
because it isn’t applied equally to all voters. Those who vote by mail don't have to prove their identity.
Mark Rutherford wants America’s third-largest political party to make inroads by showing competence at the grassroots level
of government.