GOP calls grow for Trump to step aside in favor of Pence
A chorus of Republican leaders on Saturday said vice presidential nominee Mike Pence is well suited to move to the top of the ticket if they can persuade Donald Trump to quit.
A chorus of Republican leaders on Saturday said vice presidential nominee Mike Pence is well suited to move to the top of the ticket if they can persuade Donald Trump to quit.
Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump is facing bipartisan condemnation about comments he made in 2005, stating that when you’re a star “you can do anything to women,” including grope their private parts.
The vice presidential nominee said he was "offended by the words and actions described by Donald Trump," and he called on the GOP presidential nomineee "to show what is in his heart" when he appears at Sunday night's presidential debate.
The Democrat held more than four dozen meetings and phone calls with head hunters and future corporate employers in the months after announcing his surprise retirement but before he left office, an Associated Press investigation found.
State police are recommending all Indiana voters check the accuracy of their voter information, especially those voters living in the counties under investigation. State police say they don’t know how many voters may be affected.
Neither major-party gubernatorial candidate rejects using more so-called P3s in Indiana’s future. Both think the deals have their place, but they differ on when they should be used.
It was the smallest audience for a vice presidential debate since 2000, when 29 million people watched Dick Cheney and Joe Lieberman square off.
Republican Mike Pence won bipartisan plaudits for a calm and collected performance in the vice presidential debate. But Hillary Clinton’s camp says Democrat Tim Kaine accomplished his mission.
Tim Kaine repeatedly tried to bait Mike Pence into defending his running mate’s most controversial statements, but the Indiana governor deflected the attacks with the kind of discipline Republicans have been urging Donald Trump to display.
The investigation started in August, when at least 10 voter registration forms were alleged to have fraudulent information in two counties encompassing the Indianapolis area. Police have expanded the probe.
With time running out to sway undecided voters ahead of the Nov. 8 election, Pence will have his moment in the political spotlight Tuesday night at 9 p.m. when he takes on Democratic vice president candidate Tim Kaine in a nationally televised debate.
The three gubernatorial candidates—Democrat John Gregg, Republican Eric Holcomb and Libertarian Rex Bell—debated issues relating to jobs and the economy at the debate at University of Indianapolis.
The Republican who replaced Mike Pence on the ballot for governor of Indiana broke with his political benefactor on Monday night during a debate, stating that Syrian refuges should be allowed into the state.
Indiana voters in November will choose a successor to Attorney General Greg Zoeller, who did not seek a third term after losing May’s Republican primary to run for a U.S. House seat.
The vice presidential debate Tuesday will be the only time Republican Mike Pence and Democrat Tim Kaine will have the nation’s political attention all to themselves, away from their much more well-known running mates.
Based on their records and campaign promises, neither of the major party candidates for governor seem likely to radically reshape Indiana’s energy policies.
There is still more than a week to go before the Oct. 11 registration deadline.
John Gregg and Eric Holcomb discussed several education issues at an Indianapolis high school Tuesday during their first campaign debate.
In dueling speeches to education groups, gubernatorial candidates Eric Holcomb and John Gregg laid out their plans to improve state schools.
Members of a special committee created to study redistricting have started discussing how an independent commission might create future legislative and congressional district maps.