
KENNEDY: Now comes the hard part–governing

How will mayor-elect Joe Hogsett and the new City-County Council provide even the most basic public services, from public safety to paving streets to picking up trash, in the face of steady erosion of the resources needed to deliver those services?

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Joe Hogsett

Hogsett’s claim about spending cuts isn’t quite accurate

The Democrat has said repeatedly that he spent less year after year while serving as secretary of state and U.S. attorney. But while his spending was generally lower than the amounts appropriated to the office, they weren’t always less than the year before.

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Mayoral foes: City must draw residents to bolster tax revenue

Attracting higher-wage residents is key to future growth as city revenues have stagnated and local governments have become increasingly reliant on income taxes. Republican Chuck Brewer and Democrat Joe Hogsett are proposing ways to bolster Indy neighborhoods.

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