
Where Brewer, Hogsett stand on city’s toughest issues

IBJ asked mayoral candidates Joe Hogsett, a Democrat who is leading in contributions and key endorsements, and Chuck Brewer, a Republican small-business owner who has the support of outgoing Mayor Greg Ballard, about their approaches to hot-button topics of particular interest to the business community.

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The Interview Issue: Joe Hogsett

Democrat Joe Hogsett is the clear front runner in the race to be the next mayor of Indianapolis. But he says he’s not taking the race for granted and has packed his schedule with events across the community.

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The Interview Issue: Chuck Brewer

Republican Chuck Brewer is the underdog in the race for mayor, but he says he can bring an entrepreneurial spirit to the office to help fix the city’s public safety problems and secure a sustainable financial future.

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Hogsett dwarfs Brewer in ad buys

Democrat Joe Hogsett is airing his eighth ad in the mayoral race and has spent $400,000-plus on TV just this month, while Republican Chuck Brewer is preparing his first TV ad.

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Senate candidate Young hopes to leverage GOP debate

U.S. Rep. Todd Young, is attempting to take advantage of his early fundraising lead and the spectacle that is Donald Trump to gain an early advantage over rivals U.S. Rep. Marlin Stutzman and former state GOP chairman Eric Holcomb.

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