
Berry picked as new Indiana GOP chairman

The Indiana Republican Party's executive committee voted unanimously Monday to elect Auditor Tim Berry as the state GOP chairman and to hold the party's 2014 state convention in his hometown of Fort Wayne.

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Lawmakers see atmosphere shift inside Indiana Statehouse

The first half of this year’s General Assembly session has been much quieter, at least partly because of election victories in November that gave Republicans a larger House majority, preventing new Democratic walkouts from stopping legislative action.

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GOP House blocks Dems’ push for Pence tax-cut vote

House Republicans blocked a vote Thursday on Gov. Mike Pence's proposed tax cut, fending off — at least for now — an attempt by Democrats to force them into the awkward position of rejecting one of the new GOP governor's top legislative priorities.

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Pence orders Indiana family impact statements

New Indiana Gov. Mike Pence is telling several state agencies they must consider the impact any new regulations would have on families. That's among 15 executive orders that Pence signed in the governor's office Monday, a few hours after his inauguration.

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Pence sworn in as Indiana’s 50th governor

Mike Pence, the former six-term Republican congressman from Columbus, used his inaugural address from a Statehouse balcony in front of a crowd of supporters and state officials to call upon all residents to help better the state.

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Lugar’s storied political career comes to a close

Colleagues and friends say Lugar’s commitment to foreign policy, which earned him a Nobel Peace Prize nomination, and his belief in bipartisanship, which contributed to his thrashing by Tea Party favorite Richard Mourdock in the May primary, will be sorely missed when he leaves the Senate in January after 36 years.

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USDA chief: Rural America becoming less relevant

Tom Vilsack, former Democratic governor of Iowa, told farm belt leaders this past week that he’s frustrated with their internecine squabbles and says they need to be more strategic in picking their political fights.

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