
Dems, GOP launch on-air ad spree for Senate seat

Indiana has quickly become a major battleground in the race for control of the U.S. Senate, with national Republicans and Democrats forking over more cash this week to tea party favorite Richard Mourdock and Democrat Joe Donnelly.

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GOP’s Pence promotes marriage to curb poverty

Republican gubernatorial candidate Mike Pence said Tuesday that marriage is the best route for breaking children out of the cycle of poverty and called on regulators to think about whether policies promote or dissuade marriage.

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GOP support building behind Mourdock

On Monday at an Indianapolis fundraiser, GOP vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan exhorted Republicans to “please, please, send us Richard Mourdock!” Other prominent party members are lining up behind Mourdock, too.

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Indiana’s 2012 split could be Pence and Donnelly

As the countdown to the November election picks up steam, establishment Democrats and Republicans have been quietly talking about the possibility that Indiana swing voters could pick Republican gubernatorial candidate Mike Pence and Democratic U.S. Senate candidate Joe Donnelly in November.

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Pence releases education plan light on detail

Republican gubernatorial candidate Mike Pence said Friday he'll push forward with changes to Indiana's education system started under Gov. Mitch Daniels in a quietly rolled out education plan that supports expanding the state's school voucher program and improving performance of teachers and students.

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U.S. unemployment rate dips despite weak jobs report

The unemployment rate fell to 8.1 percent from 8.3 percent in July, the Labor Department said Friday. But that was only because more people gave up looking for work. Hourly pay fell, manufacturers cut the most jobs in two years and the number of people in the work force dropped to its lowest level in 31 years.

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Romney to address veterans in Indianapolis

Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney will focus on veterans' issues with a Wednesday afternoon speech to the American Legion in Indianapolis as speakers at the GOP convention in Florida address defense and foreign affairs.

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