
Kennedy’s persistence put to test

Supporters and detractors of Melina Kennedy agree on this description of her: a persistently hard worker. Whether that trait is enough to make the 42-year-old Democrat an effective leader of the nation’s 12th-largest city is an open question.

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Tea party sees Lugar as best target in Senate

The tea party movement’s best remaining hope in 2012 for picking off an incumbent Republican in the Senate has boiled down to one state, Indiana, where six-term Sen. Richard Lugar still faces a challenge from the right.

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Angling to be VP: Republicans run without campaigning

More than a year from Election Day, all sorts of Republicans, including Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels, are making a point of keeping themselves in the national spotlight, stoking speculation that they are potential running mates for the eventual GOP presidential nominee.

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Ballard fulfilled some pledges; others fell by wayside

The Republican mayor says he curbed crime, made government transparent, and pushed for property tax reform. His Democratic challenger says Ballard didn’t make good on repealing an income tax increase, hiring hundreds of police officers, or making education a top priority.

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GOP candidates revive call to privatize Social Security

As President Barack Obama sidesteps ways to keep the retirement system viable, his would-be rivals are keen on letting younger workers divert part of their payroll taxes into some type of personal account to be invested separately from Social Security.

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Greenwood mayoral rivals run from big-spender label

Greenwood’s three mayoral candidates are distancing themselves from current Mayor Charles Henderson, who lost in the May primary in large part because of his unpopular proposals for adding amenities to the southern suburb designed to attract new businesses.

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Mayoral foes see different paths to boost business

Both candidates for Indianapolis mayor are touting a host of ways to improve the city’s business climate. Incumbent Greg Ballard champions improving the city’s amenities. Challenger Melina Kennedy focuses on recruiting entrepreneurs to the city.

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