
Political worries contribute to robust firearms sales

The presidential election is still a long way off, but large numbers of Indianapolis-area gun owners seem to think Barack Obama is a surefire bet for a second term. Uneasiness over his re-election (and fear that he might push for strict gun control laws) has sparked a run on weapons and ammunition.

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Past support of health care mandate haunts Lugar

Like many Senate Republicans who have spent a few decades in Washington, U.S. Sen. Richard Lugar was for the individual health care mandate before he was against it. Two decades later, the policy is a near heretical stance among the party’s conservative base, and it threatens to derail Lugar’s reelection bid.

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Elections board: Lugar must register elsewhere in county

An elections board ruled Thursday that U.S. Sen. Richard Lugar can't vote at the Indianapolis home he sold in 1977 but can register elsewhere in the county, a partial victory for tea party activists who allege the Republican incumbent has committed voter fraud for decades

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Retirement wave will give Indiana House new look

The loss of hundreds of years of experience in the House, including the top Republican and Democratic budget writers, has some worried that paid lobbyists could gain an even heftier role within the General Assembly.

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State Supreme Court hears arguments in White case

Indiana Supreme Court justices peppered attorneys with questions Wednesday during arguments to determine whether ousted Secretary of State Charlie White was ever a legal candidate for the office, and who gets to appoint his successor.

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Old Lugar issue finds new legs in critical race

U.S. Sen. Richard Lugar has breezed through every re-election since he first won federal office in 1976. And even though he has consistently voted from a house he hasn't owned since he left for Washington in 1977, questions about his residency lay dormant until just a few weeks ago.

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Charlie White cries foul on residency, cites other cases

The ousted secretary of state claims Sen. Richard Lugar and former Sen. Evan Bayh vote from Indiana despite living near Washington, D.C. Lugar doesn't own a home in Indiana, and tea party activists want his candidacy disqualified as a result.

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Romney’s state co-chair could decide Santorum’s fate

Dan Dumezich is guiding Mitt Romney’s effort to win the Indiana GOP primary and also runs the state elections panel that weighs challenges to candidates’ ballot access. Opponent Rick Santorum is eight signatures shy of the 500 needed from Indiana’s 7th District.

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