
Agency: Duke customers shouldn’t pay $530M in overruns

The Indiana Office of Utility Consumer Counselor has filed a blistering rebuke of Duke Energy Corp. for the high cost of its Edwardsport coal-gasification plant and has asked regulators to deny Duke’s request to charge ratepayers $530 million for cost overruns.

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IPL exec promoted to CEO

After about a month as interim CEO, Indianapolis Power & Light Co. executive Ken Zagzebski has won the job for good.

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Regulators plan more hearings on Duke plant costs

Indiana utility regulators will hold two additional field hearings to take public comment on Duke Energy's request to pass along to ratepayers the $2.9 billion cost of a coal-gasification plant being built near Edwardsport in southwestern Indiana.

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Indiana activists oppose nuclear incentive bill

A bill that would offer Indiana's utilities incentives to build the state's first nuclear power plants is advancing in the Statehouse despite strong opposition from environmentalists, renewable energy boosters and industries that consume large amounts of electricity.

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Indiana watchdogs seek probe of Duke Energy plant

Consumer advocates are calling for Indiana regulators to appoint an independent investigator to look into whether Duke Energy Corp. used undue influence to win state approval for a nearly $3 billion coal-gasification plant.

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