
State’s big polluters spewed less last year

EPA data show an 18 percent decrease in toxic emissions among big manufacturers and electric utilities, but it’s unclear to what degree better practices—or the slow economy—had on declining levels.

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13 Indiana companies, school systems get diesel funds

The Indiana Department of Environmental Management says a federal grant will help pay for retrofitting school buses, technology to reduce idling by tractor trucks, towboats and locomotives, and fuel-efficient tires and aerodynamic trim for tractors and trailers.

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Hoosier Energy reaches settlement with EPA

Rural electric cooperative to pay civil penalty of nearly $1 million for not using most modern pollution controls. Hoosier Energy also to spend up to $300 million on pollution controls at coal-fired plants.

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Lugar’s energy bill winning support

Lugar’s bill may be able to muster the 60 votes needed for Senate passage because it wouldn’t cap emissions or expand offshore
drilling, two controversial issues in the Senate.

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