
Let there be LED light

Westfield-based Green Illuminating Systems sees a bright future in LED lighting as a way to reduce electricity consumption.

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A cap on cap and trade?

On May 15, the Wall Street Journal published a letter from Gov. Mitch Daniels laying out his sharp opposition to the Waxman-Markey American Clean Energy and Security Act, which would set limits on carbon emissions to combat global warming.

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Advanced energy next focus for economic development

The Central Indiana Corporate Partnership—the parent of the BioCrossroads, TechPoint and Conexus industry cluster initiatives—let it be known last month that there would be a fourth leg to its economic development stool: clean technology.

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This company truly recycles

We at the Indianapolis location of AbitibiBowater, North America’s largest newsprint manufacturer and home of the Paper Retriever paper-recycling program, want to assure those who deposit paper in the green and yellow Abitibi Paper Retriever bins that all paper in this program is recycled and not landfilled.

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City’s environmental effort gets boost

The McKinney Family Foundation has created a fund to support initiatives of Mayor Greg Ballard’s 3-month-old Office of Sustainability, an environmental initiative that promotes projects ranging from energy-efficient city buildings to bicycle paths.

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Falling scrap prices hurt recycling industry

It’s the best of times and the worst of times for Indianapolis recycling firms. On the one hand, public interest and participation
in recycling programs have never been stronger. On the other, the industry’s capacity to turn all that trash into treasure
rarely has been weaker.

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