
Lawsuit takes on Indiana’s right-to-farm laws

The Hoosier Environmental Council has filed a lawsuit on behalf of a pair of Hendricks County families who say they face “intolerable living conditions” created by odors coming from a nearby 8,000-hog farm that opened two years ago.

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Farm family near Grand Park adapted to encroaching development

Craig Wood has spent most of his 60 years on 191st Street in Westfield, living and working on his family farm. For most of that time, the adjacent land has been other houses and farm fields, but that all changed on Nov. 18, 2011, when construction on Grand Park Sports Campus began.

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Growth allows Oliver Winery to invest in big equipment

This year’s grape harvest—a process which typically runs from the end of August to the second week of October—promises to be a bit less anxiety-inducing thanks to a decision that has been slowly processing over the past five years.

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Environmental groups unhappy with lead smelter settlement

A proposed settlement of alleged Clean Air Act violations involving Exide Technologies’ battery-recycling facility has upset environmental groups because the agreement doesn’t require the firm to retrofit its complex with equipment that could dramatically cut lead emissions.

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State facing steep bill to keep water systems running

Much of the infrastructure that transports water from municipal drinking water plants in Indiana to homes and businesses is old and worn, and the state faces significant costs to complete needed upgrades, repairs and expansions.

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Volkswagen to be subpoenaed in probe by 27 states

A majority of U.S. states, including Indiana, have begun a joint investigation of Volkswagen AG in the widening fallout from the company’s admission that 11 million of its diesel vehicles use software to cheat emissions tests.

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Agricultural lab planning $12M facility near airport

Sure-Tech Laboratories wants to relocate its Indianapolis operations from leased space at 2435 Kentucky Ave., south of Raymond Street, to a 5,832-acre site west of South Girls School Road and north of West Washington Street.

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BlueIndy faces challenges in quest for wide adoption

BlueIndy plans to charge past its skeptics as its electric car-sharing program launches in Indianapolis Sept. 2, leaving behind the political consternation about whether Mayor Greg Ballard went rogue in green-lighting the program in the first place.

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