Court: IURC erred in approving Duke fee hike
The Indiana Court of Appeals ruled Monday that state utility regulators wrongly approved $61 million in ratepayer fees for the Edwardsport coal gasification plant.
The Indiana Court of Appeals ruled Monday that state utility regulators wrongly approved $61 million in ratepayer fees for the Edwardsport coal gasification plant.
James Huston fills a vacancy on the IURC created in May when James Atterholt, who had been the panel's chairman, stepped down to become Pence's chief of staff.
Dozens of 320-foot-tall towers are going up in an eastern Indiana county for what will be another wind farm in the state.
The approval from the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission gives Vectren permission to charge a monthly fee to cover 80 percent of the project's estimated $865 million cost. The fee will show up on customer bills starting in 2015 and continue through 2021.
Lower prices for corn and soybeans will drive the profits of U.S. farmers down to an estimated $113.2 billion in 2014, a decline of 14 percent from last year’s record, according to the Department of Agriculture.
Indiana Municipal Power Agency said the 8-acre solar farm on the grounds of Richmond Power and Light contains about 4,000 solar panels. They will generate enough electricity to power about 200 homes.
U.S. Sen. Dan Coats said planners of a proposed central Indiana reservoir shouldn't look to the federal government for help in financing the $450 million project.
Indianapolis' electricity utility plans to convert its aging Harding Street power plant entirely to natural gas by 2016, after facing growing pressure to do so from environmental groups and politicians.
Indianapolis experienced one of the fastest gains in car-less households of any major city in a recent five-year period, according to U.S. Census data compiled by a University of Michigan researcher.
A bigger crop was expected as adequate rain and cool temperatures made for favorable growing conditions in the 18 states that produce 91 percent of the nation's corn.
Environmental, health and neighborhood groups are calling on the Marion County Health Department to compel Indianapolis Power & Light to test groundwater at eight coal ash lagoons on the city's south side.
It appears one man's bust is another's boom, because many of the reasons byproducts have become so popular are the same reasons you're paying historically high prices for beef.
The nation's corn and soybean farmers are on track to produce record crops this year as a mild summer has provided optimum growing conditions.
Despite heavy lobbying from opponents, the Indianapolis Board of Public Works on Wednesday voted 4-1 in favor of a contract extension with incinerator operator Covanta that will make the company the city’s main household recycling provider for the next 14 years.
The Indianapolis Board of Public Works voted Wednesday to approve Covanta as the city’s main residential recycling provider for the next 14 years.
A dozen states, led by West Virginia and including Indiana, sued the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency on Friday to block a proposed rule that would limit carbon dioxide emissions from coal-fired power plants.
A Carmel church is asking a Clay Township utility to withdraw its offer to buy part of the church's land for a sewer-overflow tank so that church officials can conduct research and meet with neighbors for input.
The U.S. power sector is burning less coal and is reducing carbon emissions, but a growing share is finding its way to the rest of the world.
A judge has ruled state law protects four large hog farms from lawsuits filed by residents of an eastern Indiana county who complained about waste and foul smells from their operations.
The Sierra Club is pressing Indianapolis' local utility to retire an aging coal-fired power plant that's slated to continue burning coal for at least two more decades.