Indiana’s honey bee colonies see 30-percent drop
Indiana's honey bee populations are taking a hit from a mysterious disorder that's devastating bee colonies across the nation.
Indiana's honey bee populations are taking a hit from a mysterious disorder that's devastating bee colonies across the nation.
Delaware County commissioners decided Monday that they won’t take immediate action on a moratorium to block a proposed wind farm.
The federal government’s weekly crop report says 8 percent of the Indiana corn crop was planted as of Sunday, well behind the 82 percent planted by the same time last year.
Five of the six Hoosier firms that appear in the 2013 rankings slipped from their positions in last year’s list of the largest U.S. companies.
State officials want to know how an Oklahoma City company managed to set up 30,000 Indiana accounts for a federally subsidized phone program in less than a year. The Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission has launched an investigation into whether TerraCom LLC is repeating federal violations it allegedly committed in Oklahoma.
As of Sunday, farmers in Indiana had planted just 1 percent of the corn crop, compared with the five-year average of 30 percent by the end of April, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
Indiana Gasification project manager Mark Lubbers told the Evansville Courier & Press that neither the General Assembly nor Gov. Mike Pence support the project.
Plans for the plant, officially announced Wednesday, call for an environmentally friendly facility outside of Martinsville that could produce 650 megawatts of power. Construction could employ 660 workers.
Anderson's title, first granted in 1991, appears to have been lost due to issues with paperwork. The status is awarded by the Arbor Day Foundation and others to recognize cities with viable tree-management plans and programs.
Indiana Gasification LLC project manager Mark Lubbers said developers wouldn't have tried to build the plant at Rockport if the law passed early Saturday morning had been in place.
Hundreds of residents gathered at Daleville High School on Tuesday night to hear about the proposed Mounds Lake Reservoir, a 2,100-acre project that could cost as much as $400 million to build.
Work to rebuild a defective underground barrier designed to hold back tainted soil and groundwater at the site of a former auto parts plant should hopefully begin this year, the site's federal manager says.
Two Indiana lawmakers have spent the legislative session watering down opposition to a proposed $2.8 billion coal-gasification plant that would likely benefit their employers.
Hoosier Energy will invest about $27 million in 83,000-square-foot facility. The city of Bloomington has approved a 10-year tax abatement for the project.
Rep. Matt Ubelhor, R-Bloomfield, successfully pushed an amendment Wednesday that would shield the southern Indiana project from the review sought by the plant's opponents, who contend it could saddle ratepayers with higher bills.
As citizens of Zionsville, residents of the Royal Run subdivision have had little recourse against the Whitestown-owned water utility that charges them 78 percent more than its customers to the north.
Indianapolis-based Simon Property Group Inc. is among borrowers funding projects from rooftop solar panels to energy-savings systems using so-called Pace financing.
The state's largest power company says it's revamping its Indiana economic development program to improve opportunities for communities to attract jobs and capital investment.
The city of Indianapolis is poised to pay Citizens Energy Group $6.5 million to buy a key parcel of real estate it’s targeting as the centerpiece of its ambitious 16 Tech project.
The House Utility Committee approved a bill Wednesday that would send the $2.8 billion project back to regulators for another round of reviews unless the Indiana Supreme Court sides with the project’s developers