
Oil search planned at Indiana State campus

Terre Haute's public works board voted Monday to give permission for a Michigan company to begin seismic testing at several locations on university-owned property near the city's downtown.

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Utilities to get bill for damaged grid-control room

A Carmel not-for-profit that monitors the electric grid in 11 states and part of Canada plans to pass on to its member utilities and transmission-line operators $5.4 million in costs resulting from damage to its local data center last September.

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Entergy faces hurdle to joining transmission pact

Arkansas regulators want guarantees that their authority will be preserved if Entergy Corp.'s utilities join Carmel-based regional transmission group MISO, raising questions about whether the deal will go through.

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Pence wants more farm promotion, technology

Mike Pence's Republican running mate, lieutenant governor nominee Sue Ellspermann, said Tuesday the state should do more to promote Indiana farm exports. She's also calling for a joint venture in developing new agriculture technology.

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Farmers to get advice on coping with crop losses

Indiana farmers worried about what to do with their withered corn crops will gather in Vigo County this week to discuss crop insurance, cattle feeding options, and other topics related to the drought. Purdue University agricultural experts say some crops already are beyond saving.

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$14M legal tab touches off new skirmish in Duke case

Citizens Action Coalition, Sierra Club, Save the Valley and Valley Watch are hoping questions over legal fees the utility agreed to pay attorneys for industrial customers scuttle a deal over cost overruns at the $3.3 billion Edwardsport coal gasification plant.

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Duke Energy earnings creep up on higher rates

Duke Energy Corp.’s earnings rose 2 percent in the second quarter on higher electric rates, but newly acquired subsidiary Progress Energy saw earnings plummet as a result of planned nuclear plant outages.

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