Christopher Day: Get with the program: Vibe coding will be vital
Vibe coding represents a fundamental shift in human-computer interaction, where intention, intuition and emotion drive software creation as much as syntax and logic.
Vibe coding represents a fundamental shift in human-computer interaction, where intention, intuition and emotion drive software creation as much as syntax and logic.
To help get your mind around how to think about AI, focus on the four emerging themes: autonomous AI, boost developer productivity, empower with total experience, and deliver human-centric security and privacy.
Did you notice that we didn’t consider moving our operations to the United States?
Taylor Swift is not just an entertainer but a masterful brand strategist who can provide lessons not only for the entertainment industry but also for just about any business’s brand.
A good data strategy is not about tools and architecture. It’s about leveraging the data I have or can get to help the business accomplish its mission.
We already have key pieces of the puzzle in place: a good business climate, reliable power and an IEDC data center incentive.
Innovating in health care is not just hard and expensive—it is REALLY hard and expensive.
It was a celebration of community, a testament to embracing risks, and a demonstration of the surprising return on investment that comes from unconventional paths.
Startups need to consider three challenges that surround innovations and IP.
People I meet are often curious about why we decided to sell, the process of selling our business, and what the business looked like after the acquisition.