
Startup answers call for better phone bank

Noblesville-based VolunteerYourVoice is setting out to revolutionize phone banks with a Web app that allows advocacy groups to manage virtual campaigns, getting instant results from calls volunteers make through their home computers.

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Small loans for small businesses

Business Ownership of Indiana is ramping up its micro-lending program, awarding a $10,000 loan to Indianapolis-based Stage Ninja LLC. Can such small amounts make a difference to fledgling firms?

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Local pilot turns aerobatics into satisfying ‘jobby’

Billy Werth’s passion for flying has landed him two jobs that pay the bills–as commercial pilot with Chautauqua Airlines and a major in the Air Force Reserves at Grissom Air Reserve Base in Peru. His third job is just for fun. Since 2006, Werth has owned an acrobatic flying company called Grayout Aerosports.

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IU grad pitches biz idea to TV ‘sharks’

CoatChex founder Derek Pacqué is gearing up for a Friday product launch party that coincides with his appearance on the ABC television show “Shark Tank,” where he pitched his idea to potential investors including serial entrepreneur Mark Cuban.

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Fishers launching business incubator

The town of Fishers is making a bid to keep its entrepreneurs close to home, investing $350,000 to develop shared office space for the startup community. Co-working facility Launch Fishers is slated to open this fall.

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Local distillers produce Indiana sorghum spirit

Two central Indiana entrepreneurs are making a new spirit from an old crop—supplied largely by an Amish farmer who doesn’t drink alcohol. The product is Sorgrhum, a distilled liquor made from the syrup of sweet sorghum, a stalk-like grain used as a sweetener before sugar cane became widely available.

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Dog treat startup wins challenge

Self-proclaimed “foodie” Sherri Campbell knew she was onto something when she started making frozen treats for her three dogs, but even she didn’t expect to win the inaugural Hottest Kitchen Entrepreneur Challenge.

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Web startup aims to connect private businesses, investors

Private firms that need to raise relatively modest amounts of capital have a hard time finding money. Now three Indianapolis entrepreneurs think they have the answer: crowdfunding. Individuals make small investments that are aggregated to fund a business. Indianapolis-based Localstake wants to be the matchmaker.

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