
Bloomington candy store eyeing ambitious expansion

After a great first few months in Bloomington, Campus Candy’s co-owners hope to replicate that success, rolling out a plan
that calls for opening 50 college-town stores
across the country in the next 18 months and a total of 125 within five years.

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In-car spy device could drive sales

Carmel-based CarCheckup LLC has created a cell-phone-size device that plugs into a car’s “OBD II” diagnostic port to track
a plethora of data, such as speed ranges, graphs of RPM, and numbers on how hard the car accelerated and braked. The company
is marketing the device to parents of teen drivers, among others.

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Entrepreneurs lose clout as VC funds get stingier

Most local venture funds are standing pat because the economy is weak and they’re no longer
in fund-raising mode. Having invested most of their funds, the firms have shifted to the nurturing, or “harvesting”
stage, to try to improve investment returns.

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Perils of non-family managers

A former Toyota exec blasts non-family managers for the company’s problems. Are some Indianapolis-area companies better-
or worse-off after families relinquished control?

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Underrated entrepreneurs

The Indianapolis area is home to myriad unsung entrepreneurs who run interesting companies, make money and create good jobs.
Here are some of them.

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Demand for smart-phone applications spawns opportunities

Smart-phone fever is heating up the climate for innovation in the local tech community, as firms new and old try to cash
in on the demand for applications that can be used on the iPhone, BlackBerry and other gadgets from the likes of Palm and

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